Nicola Tesla Scientific-Botanical Park, banks of the Turia River, Valencia
IAL carried out the drafting of the landscaping intervention project to the North of the Urban area of Quart de Poblet, Valencia, carrying out the analysis and diagnosis of the area of action, according to the parameters and requirements for the recovery of the river as the main element of the space and its spinal column , the suture between the area of action and the urban area of the population, the public use of the area and the use of the degraded and abandoned surfaces that it now presents, the essential environmental approach in a hydraulic public domain and the insertion of spaces and minimum infrastructures that make it possible to carry out incardinated cultural activities in the park space.
For this, the territory analysis was carried out, as well as the exploration and analysis of the urban area
1 – Make the entire area of action accessible through the construction of a bridge over the river in its center and, located at the western end, a monumental concrete pedestrian walkway, which, like a plaza suspended over the river, and embedded on the streets of the town, save the unevenness allowing access to the area above the river, so that this area, condemned to be a cul de sac of not being easily accessible, becomes, on the contrary, a main point of the new Park; the resulting set of three bridges will allow access and use of the entire land.
2 – Procure the suture between the urban area and the intervention space, a suture that will be obtained at the end of the weir by means of the aforementioned descending walkway, and at the opposite end will be obtained by removing the fences that close the accesses from the streets to the Park and the paving of a large surface, in the center of which will be the Auditori, which will lengthen the pavement of the streets towards the interior, which will gradually transform into a landscaped space in the manner of a conventional urban park, located at a medium distance between the town and the river bed, and that behind a large esplanade of earth gives way to a natural meadow framed by forests.
3 – The treatment of the rest of the space as an area of forest and natural meadow, populated with native bush masses, destined to be traveled through an asphalt road that accesses and exits the park through the dam area (where there is already an access to be promoted), and along the two banks of the river, next to the existing bridge. This area of forests (deciduous, perennial and pine forests) will be the enclave of a camp, made up of modules built on site for school, leisure and cultural activities, an esplanade area for the installation of fair and party attractions, located just at the landing of the descending walkway, and in immediate contact with the forest, a cafeteria, also located at this point, a Nature Classroom, housed in the same module built as the camp and the cafeteria, and located on a river pier degaviones, 4 m high above the river level and a playful and cultural element, called Camino de Losas Amarillas, inspired by the one of the universally known children’s story “The Wizard of Oz”, which will have its spiral start in the esplanade of the fair will cover areas of grassland, forest, cross the river on the central bridge and conclude its journey in the conventional park, opposite the Auditori, on a large hill covered with rose bush landscaping Red Tico, also inspired by a landscape element from “The Wizard of Oz”, (in this case from the film version).
4 – On the hill of red rose, a landscape landmark is inserted, cut out on the vegetal frame, to be viewed from the images obtained by satellite and made available to everyone, via the Internet: it consists of the legend OZ, which will constitute , without a doubt, an interesting incentive and a focus of attention on the park. It will be built using a synthetic rubber paving set in situ, in a contrasting color with the rose bushes, both in the flowering months and in the winter months.
The tree mass of the Park, considered as a whole, will be made up of deciduous species, always planted, in the forest zone, without including perennials, and evergreen, always planted without deciduous inclusion (all this, once again, for the forest area, always with the exception of pine and coniferous species, which will be inserted indistinctly with each other). The ratio will be 60% deciduous forest and 40% deciduous forest, including the following species, in variable percentages depending on the location (riverbank, slopes along the highway, etc.), to be distributed randomly.